Buffalo Sriracha Ranch Wings

Fire up the BBQ because it’s time to make some buffalo wings! Check out this simple recipe using Angus & Oink Impressive Rooster Buffalo Sriracha sauce for flavourful and juicy chicken wings. No matter what the occasion or time of year, these wings never disappoint!

Prep Time - 5 minutes

Marinade Time - up to 24 hours

Cook Time - approx. 1 hour



  • 1 - 2 kg of chicken wings

  • 150ml Angus & Oink Impressive Rooster Buffalo Sriracha sauce

  • 150ml Buttermilk



  1. Add the sauce and buttermilk to a bowl and mix well.

  2. Place the wings in a zip-lock bag or large bowl, add the marinade and shake or mix well to coat the wings. Keep refrigerated for 24 hours (minimum of 4 hours).

  3. Grill on the BBQ indirectly at about 200°C for around an hour. Place the wings on direct heat briefly towards the end to get those smoky charred bits.

  4. On the side, mix a tablespoon of Angus & Oink sriracha sauce with your favourite mayo and freshly chopped coriander as a little addition to serve.

Shop A&O Impressive Rooster Buffalo Sriracha sauce